
Declare a Housing Emergency in Ottawa!

Ottawa is in the midst of a housing emergency. In our city, thousands of people are on the affordable housing waiting list, emergency shelters are over-capacity, and residents across the city are struggling to find a place to live.

CCOCcommunityhistoryhousing emergency

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Happy New Year from TCE!

Happy New Year! In 2018, Marketing and Communications shifted to the Tenant and Community Engagement Department. This change puts the relationships with our communities at the centre of how we do our business. As CCOC moves into a new decade, we are reflecting on our values and reinvigorating them with tenants.

CCOCpridesustainabilityTenant and Community Engagement

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CCOC makes a book and movie!

CCOC recently turned 40, and we’re excited to look back at some of the moments and memories that brought us to where we are today: a $240 million nonprofit housing corporation in the heart of Ottawa, home to almost 1,600 households.

affordable housingCCOCcommunityhistory

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Inclusionary Zoning Misses the Mark

After creating a lot of hope by passing legislation allowing inclusionary zoning, the province messed this up and drafted a set of regulations that mean that very few (if any) municipalities will enact local inclusionary zoning bylaws. And those that do will find it doesn’t get them very far.

affordable housingCMHChousinginclusionary zoningOntario

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CCOC’s 2017 Bus Tour

Wow! We are excited to announce that all of the seats on the CCOC property tour bus have been taken. If you can’t make the tour, join us for the wrap-up party at the 464 Metcalfe meeting room from 12 – 1 p.m. on Saturday, September 9.

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Debbie Barton Awarded the 2016 Sybil Frenette Outstanding Leadership Award

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CCOC’s 2016 Bike Tour

Join us for a bike tour exploring the opportunities and challenges of being a nonprofit landlord with a sustainable vision!

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Tenant Satisfaction Survey Results

This spring, CCOC sent out surveys to all tenants to get your feedback about renting from us.

CCOCsurveystenant satisfaction

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More Money for Affordable Housing

On Tuesday, June 21, CCOC hosted an announcement about new funding for affordable housing in Ontario.


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CCOC President’s Address 2016

This speech was originally delivered on behalf of CCOC President Bill Rooney at CCOC’s 2016 AGM on May 19, 2016.

AGMCCOCpresident's address

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