July 30, 2024Super AdminComments 0
As many tenants would have noticed in this year’s Tenant Satisfaction Survey, there were a lot of questions on the background of our tenants. We asked questions about ethnicity, income, gender, and more. While these questions were optional and anonymous like the rest of the survey, we can understand that tenants might be wondering why CCOC would ask for this information. We would like to take the time to explain why these questions are important to us, and the value they have in our ability to understand our tenants better.
November 30, 2023Super AdminComments 0
In 2022, we shared a post about Anti-racist Organizational Change (AROC) at CCOC. We shared how the Board of Directors, Department Directors, and CCOC staff had become engaged in this work.
August 1, 2023Super AdminComments 0
Thanks to the advocacy of tenants and grant funding from the Community Housing Transformation Centre (CHTC), CCOC was able to install our 13th tenant-led garden at 143-153 Arlington Avenue this Spring, giving residents the opportunity to grow their own food at home, as well as build connections with neighbours and the natural environment.
affordable housingCCOCCentretowncommunitycommunity housingGardeningsustainability
April 3, 2023Super AdminComments 0
The Board of Directors is responsible for managing CCOC honestly, in good faith, and in the best interest of the organization.
January 20, 2023Super AdminComments 0
CCOC has been housing the community since 1974. Since the late 1980s, we have had referral agreements with a number of community partners who provide support services. Over the years, we have also housed many new immigrant and refugee families who are often sponsored by local churches or community groups.
affordable housingCCOCCentretowncommunitycommunity partnersrefugeesVolunteers
September 6, 2022Super AdminComments 0
Rents in Ottawa
Over the past five years, rents in Ottawa have gone up by an average 5.2% per year. Over the same period, CCOC has been able to hold our rent increases to an average of 1.6% per year. Like everyone in our community, CCOC is facing major financial pressure from rising costs.
May 2, 2022BloggerComments 0
On December 31, 2021, CCOC welcomed 2100 Scott Street in to our portfolio. This property is a seven-story building with 104 apartments and is located in Westboro, just blocks from Westboro Beach. Until this year, 2100 Scott Street was owned by Taiga Non-Profit Housing Corporation.
April 1, 2022Super AdminComments 0
CCOC’s mission as a non-profit housing provider is to create, maintain, and promote affordable housing. This means we have good quality buildings and apartments in walkable downtown neighbourhoods, as well as diverse housing options. So, what’s redevelopment?
February 25, 2022Super AdminComments 0
Since our grassroots beginnings, CCOC has always prioritized creating inclusive projects and spaces. Dismantling oppressive dynamics is difficult, but as a community-based organization, it is up to CCOC to continuously show up for our community.
January 17, 2022Super AdminComments 1
The CCOC Board of Directors is delighted to announce Sarah Button will be joining the CCOC team as the new Executive Director. Sarah would like to introduce herself and share some thoughts in her own words below.
July 30, 2024
November 30, 2023
August 1, 2023
April 3, 2023
January 20, 2023
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