2016 Gardening Workshop Ideas
May 16, 2016Super AdminComments 7
We’d like to get your feedback about the kinds of gardening workshops you want to see this summer. So far this year, we’ve had three great sessions covering such topics as permaculture, seed saving, and beginner organic vegetable gardening. We’re happy to be partnering with Just Food and the Centretown Citizens Community Association to bring you a variety of learning opportunities throughout the growing season!
Please take the time to answer the poll below, choosing the workshops you’d be interested in attending. We’ll use this information to plan our offerings over the next few months.
Have a gardening workshop idea not mentioned in the poll?
Let us know! We’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below with your ideas and suggestions. Thanks for helping us shape an informative and fun summer of garden learning!
[yop_poll id=”1″]
Comments 7
All of them interest me-bee box!? Yes that would be fun -I just put one in my cart on well.ca-but would be good to make one esp. With kids! Attracting good insects also -we seem to be good at attracting the wrong ones?
Companion gardening. Which plants work together well and which ones don’t.
Butterfly box designs.
I love permaculture. Maybe we could work with Chris Bisson, who is a friend of mine who has worked a lot on the Kitiganensig community garden at Carleton university. I also really like making links with Moe Garahan and the organization Just Food. They would have some ways to support us too.
Thanks a million!
How about succession planting and vertical planting?
Square foot gardening and companion planting would be great – preferably offered at the same workshop.
Hi as a Centretown resident I’d like workshop info on effectively protecting your plants / boxes/ flowers from pests (squirrels) , while attracting birds & good bugs. Great workshop ideas above !
Compact gardening for smaller plots and learning the best way to retain water in the plot. This is the first time I have had a plot on the roof of 464 Metcalfe.