Plant Requests

Flowers and plants make our properties more welcoming and attractive. Gardening gets people out into the sun with their hands in the earth. It’s a great conversation starter with neighbours, and it’s satisfying to grow your own food! Each spring, CCOC volunteers and staff deliver thousands of annual flowers, vegetables, and herb plants to tenants.

We will distribute the plants and flowers on the weekend of May 3 and 4, 2025.

The deadline to order plants has passed. We will try to accommodate as many late requests as we can, but cannot guarantee late orders. 

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Flower Garden Guide


White, pink, red flowers with waxy green or reddish leaves; summer & late blooming; 6-12” tall; full sun or partial shade, rich soil; can pot in fall for indoor over-wintering.


White, red, pink, violet, coral, purple, yellow flowers; summer and fall blooming. Grows well in shady areas. Brightly coloured and profuse blooms.


White, cream, yellow, orange, red flowers; summer and fall blooming; 7-36” tall; full sun; average or poor soil; remove faded blooms for repeat flowering, great for keeping pests & pets out of your garden.


White, shades of blue, purple, yellow, red flowers; summer to fall blooming; 6-10” tall; full sun to partial shade; use mulch to keep soil cool and moist, remove spent blossoms for bushier, continuous flowering, cut back drastically after first big bloom.

Kitchen Garden Guide


Large green leaves. Requires regular watering and good drainage. Pinch flower buds as they appear. Used in pastas, pesto, salads.

Cherry Tomatoes

Easy to grow in containers. Require minimal care. Yields more and often tastier fruit than regular tomato plants. Tomatoes ripen in 60 days and continue producing until autumn frost.

Green flat leaf Italian parsley on a brown background


Italian Parsley. Grows well in containers alongside tomatoes. Keep soil moist. Great for pasta dishes and seasoning meat.

Snack Peppers

Select the sunniest spot you have–the sunnier, the better. Harvest the peppers while there’s still some green showing and let them ripen at room temperature.