Membership Policy


Purpose and Application of this Policy

The Corporation’s Membership is vital to its success in creating, maintaining, and promoting housing for low- and moderate- income households. Members make a difference in many ways: from asking questions, sharing diverse perspectives and exercising their vote at Members’ meetings, to volunteering with Advisory Committees.

The purpose of this policy is to establish the terms and conditions of membership. In particular, this policy is intended to:

Eligibility and Application for Membership

Individuals who satisfy the eligibility criteria in Section 11 of these By-laws and wish to become a Member of the Corporation shall submit an Application by the annual deadline established by the Board.

All Applications received by this date will be reviewed per process as set out in Section 12 of these By- laws. Valid assessment criteria include:

With respect to Applications by current or former tenants or residents in accommodations owned or managed by the Corporation:

Terms and Annual Confirmation of Membership

Memberships do not have an expiration date. Members are required to annually confirm they wish to remain a Member of the Corporation and that they continue to meet the eligibility criteria. The Corporation will initiate the annual confirmation process by email. Members will be required to respond by a specific deadline to maintain their membership. With the exception of Lifetime Members:

Lifetime Members who do not provide confirmation by the annual deadline shall continue to receive all Member communications and to receive notice of all Member meetings. If a Lifetime Member subsequently wishes to participate in any meeting of the Members, the Lifetime Member shall be permitted to confirm their continued eligibility for membership per Section 11 of these By-laws before or at any meeting of the Members.

Rights of Members

Members have the right to:

Protecting Member Safety and Privacy

To respect and, to the maximum extent possible, protect each Member’s right to privacy, the Corporation shall:

Where the third-party request is from a Member seeking the names and contact information of other Members, the Corporation shall:

Member Proposals

To support orderly, efficient and productive deliberations of the Membership, all Members are strongly encouraged to provide advance notice to the Corporation of any matter they propose to raise at an upcoming Members’ meeting. the Corporation shall facilitate this process as follows:

  1. the Corporation shall issue an annual call for proposals at least ninety (90) days before the annual meeting.
  2. The Management Committee, consisting of the Executive Director and Departmental Directors, shall review any proposals that are received at least sixty (60) days before the annual meeting to develop recommendations for the Board. Members are strongly encouraged to review Section 27 of these By-laws as they formulate their proposals.
  3. With respect to each proposal under consideration, the Management Committee shall either recommend:
    1. the proposal be included in the notice of the annual meeting; or
    2. the proposal be addressed through another mechanism if any of the exceptions in Subsection 27(d) of these By-laws apply.
  4. The Management Committee shall present its recommendations to the Board for the Board’s review and final decision.

Standards of Conduct and Applicable Policies

Members shall abide by the Code of Conduct while participating in Member’s meetings, committee meetings and other the Corporation events. Members shall also abide by the Code of Conduct in all interactions with others who are part of the Corporation’s community, including (but not limited to) other Members, Directors, the Executive Director, Departmental Directors, staff and volunteers. In addition to the Code of Conduct, Members shall review and adhere to all applicable Policies.

Discipline and Termination of Membership

Per Section 19 of these By-laws, the Board may initiate proceedings to discipline and/or terminate a Member who violates the Code of Conduct and applicable Policies.

The Board shall provide a minimum of thirty (30) days’ written notice to the Member whose membership is under review, and allow the Member to provide a written or verbal response not less than five (5) days before the end of the notice period. The Board may otherwise modify the procedure as required to ensure procedural fairness, equity, and/or make reasonable accommodations to facilitate the Member’s participation in the process.

In deciding the matter, the Board shall demonstrate a commitment to progressive discipline and consider the feasibility of options other than termination, including but not limited to:

If such other options would not be adequate to prevent serious harm to other individuals at the Corporation (e.g., Member(s), Director(s), employees, committee volunteers, etc.) or to the Corporation as an organization, the Board may terminate the Member. The Board shall communicate its decision and reasons in writing to the Member within ten (10) Business Days. For greater certainty, it is always within the Corporation’s discretion to take interim, immediate and reasonable measures to:

Independent Review of Board Decisions

Sections 13 and 20 of these By-laws enable the review of any Board decision to deny an Application, or to discipline or terminate a Member. Upon receiving a request from an Applicant or a Member for a review of any such Board decision, the Corporation shall appoint a qualified mediator or conflict resolution specialist to conduct an independent review (the “Reviewer”). In selecting and appointing an appropriate individual to this role, the Corporation shall consider: