Members, Board Director, and Officers Code of Conduct


Purpose and Application

The purpose of this code of conduct (the “Code of Conduct”) is to establish clear, consistent and transparent standards of behaviour for Members, Board Directors and Officers, and to provide adequate guidance to address any instances of misconduct. This Code of Conduct applies to each Member’s, Board Director’s and Officer’s:

Additionally, as indicated in certain parts of this Code of Conduct, certain obligations continue to apply even after an individual is no longer a Member, Officer and/or Board Director of the Corporation.

This Code of Conduct is divided into two Parts:

Part 1: General

Guiding Principles and Duties:

Members, Board Directors and Officers shall be guided by the following principles in all their activities with the Corporation:

In addition, Members, Board Directors and Officers have a duty to:

By law, Board Directors and Officers are subject to additional requirements in relation to the above duties. These requirements are addressed in greater detail in Part 2 of this Code of Conduct.

Crime and Illicit Benefits Prevention:

The Corporation is committed to complying fully with all applicable anti-bribery, anti-corruption, and anti-money laundering laws. As such:

Social Media Use:

Members, Board Directors, and Officers shall be mindful of how they share information about the Corporation and present their relationship to the Corporation on any social media accounts belonging to them.

Members, Board Directors, and Officers are welcome and encouraged to:

Members, Board Directors, and Officers shall not:

Privacy and Confidentiality:

Personal information” includes any factual or subjective information, recorded or not, about an identifiable individual. Examples of personal information include:

Confidential information” is any type of information or knowledge that has been developed, acquired or controlled by the Corporation and which the Corporation does not want disclosed outside the organization. Examples of confidential information are internal financial records, meeting minutes, and legal information.

Members, Board Directors, and Officers shall not:

Furthermore, Members, Board Directors and Officers shall be conscientious about the internal use and disclosure of Personal Information and Confidential Information by:

Members, Board Directors, and Officers are required to protect Personal Information and Confidential Information at all times, even after they cease to be involved with the Corporation.

Media Requests:

All Members, Board Directors, and Officers are strictly prohibited from making statements to the media on behalf of the Corporation, unless as explicitly authorized by the Corporation. Any requests from the media shall be referred immediately to the Executive Director.

Duty to Report:

All Members, Board Directors, and Officers have an individual responsibility to report in good faith any activity that appears to violate this Code of Conduct, laws or regulations.

Any Member, Board Director or Officer who suspects a violation of this Code of Conduct (in this section, the “Reporting Party”) shall immediately report the matter to the Board Executive Committee and the Executive Director, unless:

All reports shall be treated as Confidential Information, and shall be handled in accordance with the requirements of this Code of Conduct and applicable Policies.

The Reporting Party shall be safe from any threats, reprisals, dismissal, or other form of sanction, unless the Reporting Party initiated or participated in the violation or suspected violation, in which case the decision to report will have no impact on the scope of the disciplinary measures that may apply to the Reporting Party.

Bullying, Workplace Harassment, and Workplace Violence:

In accordance with the Corporation’s commitment to provide a work environment that is as safe as possible, all Members and Board Directors must be aware:

The Corporation is committed to ensuring everyone at the Corporation, including Members and Board Directors:

Accordingly, the Corporation has established a Policy on Bullying, Workplace Harassment and Workplace Violence (in this part of the Code of Conduct, the “Bullying Policy”) and accompanying procedures for the reporting and investigation of any such allegations under the Bullying Policy. This Bullying Policy and the procedures thereunder have been designed to ensure the Corporation’s compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1990.

All Members, Board Directors, and Officers are required to:

Part 2: Duties of Board Directors and Officers

Fiduciary Duty:

By law, Board Directors and Officers owe a fiduciary duty to the Corporation and must demonstrate an unwavering commitment to upholding this duty by:

Duty and Standard of Care:

By law, Directors and Officers are required to meet a standard of care in exercising all of their powers and discharging their duties to the Corporation. This standard of care requires every Director and Officer to:

Under the Act, Directors who vote for or consent to a resolution authorizing either of the following are jointly and severally liable to restore to the Corporation any money or property so paid or distributed and not otherwise recovered by the Corporation:

  1. a payment or distribution to a Member, Director or an Officer contrary to the Act; and/or
  2. a payment of an indemnity contrary to the Act (together with item 1, the “Unlawful Payments”).

However, a Director is not liable under the Act for any Unlawful Payments if they exercised the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would have exercised in comparable circumstances, including good faith reliance on:

Conflicts of Interest and Disclosures:

As fiduciaries of the Corporation, Board Directors and Officers shall never put their personal interests ahead of the best interests of the Corporation. They must avoid situations where:

Under the Act, any Board Director or Officer who is:

shall disclose to the Corporation the nature and extent of their interest or request to have this disclosure documented in the meeting minutes of the Board. Board Directors and Officers must disclose any such conflict of interest in a timely manner, ensuring compliance with the requirements under Sections 41(2) and 41(3) of the Act, respectively. Furthermore, the requirement to disclose any such conflict of interest applies even if a contract or transaction does not require the approval of the Board or the Members.

Once a Board Director or Officer has disclosed a conflict of interest: