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CCOC has always believed in tenants, members and staff working together in ways which are responsible and supportive. Over the last 20 years tenants and community representatives have been members of the Board and have been instrumental in shaping corporate policy and decisions. CCOC recognizes and values the varied experiences and perspectives that tenants, members and staff bring to the management of the Corporation.
To reduce the barriers to participation in volunteer work in the office, the following support will be provided:
To ensure that tasks are assigned according to the volunteers’ interests, each volunteer is asked to complete an information sheet and is given a list of available tasks. The completed information sheet is reviewed by the Membership and Communications Manager who will then meet with/contact the volunteer. Together, they will establish which task the volunteer is most interested in and best suited for. The Membership Manager will let them know who to report to.
If it appears that a volunteer is having difficulty completing a task, the Manager of the department in which they are volunteering will meet with them to see how they can help get the task completed. If a volunteer feels the task is not suitable, they should speak to the Manager.
Volunteers are asked to contact staff as soon as possible if they are unable to come in at the agreed upon time or if they cannot complete an assignment in the given time frame.
Some of the information about tenants and staff which volunteers may obtain while volunteering in the office is confidential. All volunteers are given a copy of CCOC’s confidentiality policy and are asked to sign a statement of agreement to adhere to the policy. Breach of confidentiality is cause for dismissal.
A volunteer will not be dismissed until s/he has had an opportunity to discuss the possible dismissal with the Manager of the department in which s/he is working and/or with the Membership and Communications Manager. However, in the case of breach of confidentiality, suspension will take place immediately and will remain in effect until a decision is reached about the volunteer’s future work with CCOC.
A volunteer may be dismissed if: s/he displays public behaviour that shows a lack of support for the mission statement and values of CCOC as defined by the Board while acting as a CCOC volunteer; s/he breaches the confidentiality policy; and s/he consistently fails to complete assigned tasks.
If a volunteer feels that they have been unfairly dismissed, they may appeal to the Membership and Communications Committee. The Membership and Communications Committee will meet seperately with the volunteer and with the staff member(s) who recommended the termination. The committee will then decide whether the termination should be upheld or waived and whether the volunteer should be reassigned to another department.
Approved by the Board October 1995.