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CCOC values working together as tenants, members and staff in ways which are responsible and supportive. This includes tenants and CCOC each accepting their responsibility for some costs.

CCOC must accept its responsibility for the cost of fixing anything damaged through normal wear and tear, or failure.

Tenants must accept their responsibility for;

  1. the cost of damages they have caused,
  2. extra service they have requested, or
  3. costs associated with not meeting their responsibilities under the terms of their lease .

Chargebacks are not a punishment or fine to tenants.  They are a way for tenants to pay for costs that are their responsibility, not the responsibility of CCOC.

Rates are generally set lower than the full market cost to encourage tenants to ask CCOC to do the repairs instead of hiring an outside contractor.  This is an advantage because it makes sure that CCOC will be aware of problems in the building.  In the case of lock changes it also allows CCOC/CCHC to put locks on the same master as all other locks in the building.

These charges should be reviewed by the maintenance department every five years and updated as necessary.

1. Damages

Tenants must accept their responsibility for any cost to repair damages that are beyond normal wear and tear.  For example, a tenant may be charged to replace a broken window, or patch a wall with a large hole.

Staff must inform the tenant of potential charges before going to the call, or as soon as they become aware that there will be a charge.

In the case of an emergency, CCOC must resolve the problem immediately and tenants may not be notified in advance.

If CCOC sends a contractor to make repairs, the tenant will be charged based on the contractor invoice.

2. Extra Services

Charges and examples of extra services are listed in Appendix “A”.

Tenants have the option of hiring their own contractor to do this work, but CCOC encourages tenants to use CCOC staff by charging lower than market rates.

Staff must inform the tenant of potential charges before going to the call, or as soon as they become aware that there will be a charge.

In the case of an emergency, CCOC must resolve the problem immediately and tenants may not be notified in advance.

3. Charges based on Lease Responsibilities

Tenants’ leases clearly outline their responsibilities. For example, tenants must properly dispose of garbage, pick up after pets, prepare for pest control and not leave any belongings behind when they move out.

Tenants must accept their responsibility to pay for any costs that result from failing to accept their responsibilities.

If the situation is not an emergency, CCOC staff must give the tenant a warning that they are breaking the conditions of their lease.  If the tenant continues not to follow the responsibilities described in their lease, they can be charged for any of CCOC’s costs to deal with the situation.

For emergencies, safety or legal matters, like a purposely disconnected smoke detector or door closer, CCOC must resolve the problem immediately and tenants will be charged for the cost without prior warning.


A copy of this policy will be sent to all tenants when CCOC sends notice of a potential or actual chargeback.

No charge will be made if it is established that CCOC equipment is defective.

If the tenant refuses to pay, the finance department will use whatever avenue necessary to collect the unpaid invoice, including forwarding the tenant to collection if appropriate.

Appeals and Reconsiderations

Tenants have the right to appeal any charge.

  1. Notice of appeal: Tenants must inform CCOC that they wish to appeal the charge within 60 days after the original charge was sent.
  2. Review by manager: The Maintenance Manager will review and reconsider the charge. The Maintenance Manager can waive or adjust any charge.
    If the Maintenance Manager thinks the charge should stand, the appeal will be reviewed by the Property Management Committee.
  3. Appeal to Property Management Committee: Tenants must provide a written appeal. They may also appear in person at a PMC meeting if they have given notice at least two business days in advance.
  4. Notice of Decision: CCOC staff will send the tenant a letter within one week after the meeting notifying them of the committee’s decision.
  5. Reconsideration: If a tenant has new information to add after their appeal, they can request that PMC reconsider. To request a reconsideration, the tenant must clearly state, in writing, what new information they are providing that wasn’t included in the appeal.
    The decision of the Property Management Committee on reconsiderations is final.

Appendix “A”


Lockouts: $50.00 for unit or mailbox after regular working hours or during the weekend.

Lock changes: $50.00 for unit and mailbox during regular working hours.

Lock changes: $85.00 for unit and mailbox after regular working hours or during the weekend.

Lock change due to break-in:

The tenant will not be charged to replace a lock if the lock is damaged.  If the lock is still functional, the tenant can choose to keep their current lock or to pay for a lock change.

Blocked Toilets/Sinks:

$40.00 during regular working hours.

$85.00 after regular working hours or during the weekend.

Other work:  

$50.00 per hour during regular working hours, plus cost of materials.

$60 per hour after regular working hours or during the weekend,  plus cost of materials.

Originally approved 1982. Amended by the Board November 2016.

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