
Category: Blog

Inclusionary Zoning Misses the Mark

After creating a lot of hope by passing legislation allowing inclusionary zoning, the province messed this up and drafted a set of regulations that mean that very few (if any) municipalities will enact local inclusionary zoning bylaws. And those that do will find it doesn’t get them very far.

affordable housingCMHChousinginclusionary zoningOntario

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CCOC’s 2017 Bus Tour

Wow! We are excited to announce that all of the seats on the CCOC property tour bus have been taken. If you can’t make the tour, join us for the wrap-up party at the 464 Metcalfe meeting room from 12 – 1 p.m. on Saturday, September 9.

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Debbie Barton Awarded the 2016 Sybil Frenette Outstanding Leadership Award

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More Money for Affordable Housing

On Tuesday, June 21, CCOC hosted an announcement about new funding for affordable housing in Ontario.


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2016 Gardening Workshop Ideas

We’d like to get your feedback about the kinds of gardening workshops you want to see this summer.

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An Update on Cahdco

As Development Manager at CCOC, I also serve as the president of our sister corporation Cahdco.


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Leading the Way for Green Living

Sustainability is a supporting pillar of CCOC’s vision and mission. 

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CCOC Partners with OCRA to Support Syrian Refugees

CCOC has a long tradition of working with local sponsors to house refugees and new immigrants.

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Go Big or Go Home: The Rebirth of Cahdco

“You can’t cross a chasm in two hops.” I’ve seen that quote attributed to a few people. It’s posted on the cork board above my desk.

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Simple Green Solutions

CCOC hosted the launch of the City of Ottawa’s new recycling bag initiative at our 464 Metcalfe property on September 2, 2015.

Beaver BarracksCCOCGardeningsustainability

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